New baby clothes from Nana and Pawpaw! Hi everyone,
I am 7 weeks 3 days pregnant! Our expected due date is January 26! We are doing well and thankfully I have been spared so far from any severe morning sickness. We had our first appt. last week and we are all doing well. We have our next appt. July 19 when we will hear the baby's heart beat and have a more in depth exam with my doctor. It's an amazing time for us as I am beginning to feel pregnant and the reality of having a baby is starting to sink in.
Ryan is doing well. He is, as always, taking great care of us. He is starting to get a little busier as his research, teaching and other responsibilities are piling up a bit more, but overall He is doing well. He got great student evaluations from last semester some even saying he was the best teacher in the dept. It was so great to see all his hard work affirmed and rewarded.
We are both now involved in co-leading bible studies with our Sunday school class during the week and really enjoying that. We feel so thankful for the good friends he has already given us here. More and more we are seeing where we fit.
My headaches have remained the same so no magical pregnancy cure, BUT we did go get some new fabric to start a baby quilt and a baby book to have fun "baby" things to enjoy even on bad days.
I have been busy with lots of house projects and hosting stuff for friends and family. It's just so great to have a home that we can have people come stay with us. We still have a fair bit to do but the house is becoming to look more and more like us and not as much like the previous owners :)
I hope you are all doing well!
Missy, Ryan and Little Krauss