Thursday, May 21, 2009

Joshua and My New Lens

As an early Father's Day gift, Missy got me a great new lens for our camera. It is excellent in low light (f1.8), which is awesome because we love to take natural light pictures of Joshua (no flash!). Check these out.

I think this last one is hilarious. Joshua has a book with pictures of foods with different textures. It has sand paper for chicken nuggets. He licked the sandpaper way before he ever ate chicken nuggets. Here he is licking some velcro. Funny stuff.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Joshua vs. The Beach Ball

So, after a month with no new blog posts, today you get two in one day.

So, Joshua's speech therapist gave us a deck of cards that has ideas of fun stuff to do with your toddler. One of the ideas was to tie a beach ball to a string and hang it so your child can hit it. It turned out to be pretty darn cute.

Joshua Ate Chicken Nuggets and Fries!

For most families, this would not be news. But for the parents of the pickiest eater in the world, this is a big deal. Joshua refuses to put most foods in his mouth based solely on texture. If it isn't a chip, it isn't going in. BBQ potato chips are a staple. So, a somewhat softer texture and some protein (besides milk and yogurt) are a big deal. Yeah buddy!

This is just me being cute:

I love to play on the landing. I like to pull up on the bars. But I still like to pretend I don't know how to get down from this one step.