Sunday, June 29, 2008

Grammy's trip

Grammy came down to see us this past week! We celebrated Joshua's five month birthday with an applesauce party and he had lots of cuddle time with Grammy.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Father's Day

For Father's day Joshua and Daddy got matching shirts - Go Hokies!

We also went hiking in Castlewood Park.

Joshua missed alot of the scenery - he slept.

We also had a picnic lunch afterwards in the park. He woke up for that :)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thanks Jen!

The adorable quilt behind Joshua was made by my friend Jen! We use it daily for tummy time!

Thanks Jen!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Praise and Thankfulness!

I know probably all of you who are reading this blog know my headache saga. It's been over three years now that I got a headache that hasn't gone away. It's been a crazy battle of going to doctors and trying to explain my crazy symptoms and trying so many different medications and having awful side affects. But since Joshua has been born in the last few months I have a new doctor who has been able to help me. Even last week with a rough headache week I was able to go to the doctor on Monday and was given some relief.

As I was having a quiet time this morning I realized that I have yet to truly give God the great Thankfulness and Praise for answering the prayers of so many. We truly now have a new hope that we may be able to stabilize my head and I have renewed life and energy. So thank you God for helping me! Please say a thank you as well to our great God!

Lots of love!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I love [the Ward's] Jumperoo

So, I can't quite go at it like that Matthias kid, but I love this Jumperoo. Thanks Ward family for loaning it to me. I will try not to spit up in it before your new little one needs it back. Why is he/she not here yet? I am looking forward to meeting him....or her.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Joshua is on the move!

Joshua rolled over!

A few days ago I put Joshua on a blanket for Tummy time and when I looked back a few seconds later he was on his back! Ever since then we've been trying to watch him do it again but he's not willing to put on a show yet :)

He's also slowly scooting along during tummy time. Fussing all the way. Joshua is definitely a cuddle bug who doesn't want to have to work hard to get anywhere - yet :) I'm sure we'll be thankful when the time comes that he hasn't started any sooner!

blowing bubbles...

Napping with Annie

Our sweet little boy!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Joshua, our precious big boy, 16lbs. 9oz!

Family picture

Joshua's first hiking trip!

Joshua turned 4 months old while we were on vacation. He got his first baby food - applesauce.

Joshua and Papa hiking together :)

Our cabin

Here is a quick update on the Krauss family...

Joshua is eating baby food now. He tried some bananas today in his new high chair (Thanks Grammy and the Fergusons) he got a little in his tummy but is still working on not spitting it all out on his bib.

Ryan has started his summer class and is working on research. He's also savoring the last of the basketball for the season.

I have been enjoying many low level headache days, today I painted my bathroom, and spend alot of time taking care of my little boy.

We hope you are doing well!

Missy, Ryan and Joshua