Wednesday, January 30, 2008

one week old!

Our little buddy turns 1 week old today at 2:33pm!

Here is one of my favorite pictures...

I'll post some grandparent pictures soon :)

We are a wonderfully happy little family! Joshua is doing well and teaching us how to love him best. We feel overwhelmed by the joy we feel by this gift of our precious son.

Today we have his first doctor's appt. We'll let you know how it goes.

Also, if you think of it please pray for Ryan - he's starting to get the flu and I'm in the midst of a pretty nasty migraine - but it's totally overshadowed by the cuteness of our son.

Love and hugs to everyone! We can't wait to introduce you to our little boy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our sweet boy

Mama and Joshua - I'm doing well, recovering and feeling more like myself :)

I love this picture! The best papa in the world and his sweet boy.

Oh my he's cute!

He likes his pacifier and his hands :)

Proud papa

Thanks to everyone who has loved on us! We feel so thankful that Joshua is so loved and to have the support of so many wonderful people.

We are so in love with our little boy already. He is doing well and we are beginning to figure things out :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Joshua Comes Home

Missy and Joshua were both released from the hospital around 10:30 this morning. Both are doing well. Here are some pictures of Joshua getting bundled up and arriving at home. Thanks aunt Jessia for my cute, warm hat. Thanks Karen, Lisa, and Laura for my warm, soft bundle-me. My 3 minute ride home was quite comfortable.

Missy and Joshua

Joshua has really been a very content little boy. Here is him being "active" and enjoying some time with his mama.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Joshua After His First Bath

Joshua wasn't super excited about his first bath.

Joshua Ryan Krauss

Joshua has arrived. He is 8 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 in. long. Here are some pictures. He and Missy are doing well.

The epideral is in

Missy's epidural is in and she is dilated to 8 cm. Missy says "I like epidurals" and "I didn't enjoy my contractions".

We are at the hospital

We are excited to start the induction and welcome our son. Just waiting now...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Joshua is coming tomorrow!

We had our doctor's appt today and I am 3cm dilated and because he's a big boy Dr. Scharff, whom we have been praying would have wisdom, asked if we wanted to induce.

So 7am tomorrow morning we head to the hospital and will be bringing our son home this week!

We'll keep you posted and would appreciate your prayers!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

some more finishing touches

Thanks mom and dad for our beautiful new rocking chair!
It is our new favorite place to sit in the house :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

39 weeks

Ryan took me out to a nice dinner - probably our last date night as just the two of us. We couldn't stop talking about our little boy though :)

We are doing well and so excited to meet Joshua!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finishing Touches

Obviously, I am a bit biased, but I think this is the cutest sign in the world:

38 weeks 5 days!

We had our ultrasound today and it was so great to see our little boy! We have no doubts at all now that he is our Joshua! We didn't get a great shot earlier and were mainly just trusting the tech lady, and last time he was being shy but this time we can now have no worries that we'd have to redo the nursery :)

Also the BIG shock of the day was that he measured at 8lbs 11oz!!! Yes, you read that right, it's not a typo! He is misleading from the outside and tricked the doctors - one of whom predicted 7lbs at 40 weeks! We were shocked. We had thought that because he was small we didn't want to induce unless it was medically necessary but now we think our doctor might want to induce because he's already so big. We'll just wait and see.

We really like our doctor and feel confident that he will help us make the right decision :)

So until then we recover from the shock and are now really excited that he's healthy and we'll get to meet him soon!

We'll keep you posted :)


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

38 weeks and 4 days!

We had our weekly OB appt today. Joshua is progressing! He has dropped! It was an eventful afternoon for us. We are all doing well, but I am still measuring small and to just be cautious we did a non-stress test today at the hospital. Unfortunately that is definitely one of the quietest times for him during the day so we were there for about an hour and a half - everything seems to be looking good though and the nurse told me I was having contractions. I have yet to feel anything though.

Tomorrow we have another ultrasound just to make sure everything is ok.

We'll keep you posted - I'll let you know how the ultra sound goes.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

38 weeks tomorrow!

We had our weekly OB appt. today and there is no sign of Joshua coming early. He seems comfy in there and not ready to come out yet. He hasn't dropped and I'm not dilated at all. So it seems we all need to settle in for the next few weeks.

We are doing well. Ryan starts back to school on Monday. I am feeling pretty good. Normal pregnancy aches and pains, but thankfully nothing worse than that.

Not much else going on right now. We'll keep you posted!


Friday, January 4, 2008

Joshua's nursery

Here are some fun pictures of Joshua's room!
We think it turned out pretty cute :)
Now all it needs is our son.

Joshua's nursery

Here are some more pictures of his nursery!

The only things missing right now, besides him of course, are some things on the walls and we are getting a new rocking chair.

37 weeks!

I am now considered full term! I had another appt. yesterday and Joshua is still head down and has now centered so that was good news. I'm not dilated at all yet though. We also pre-admitted to the hospital this week. We are so excited to meet our little boy :)

Ryan and I are doing well. We had a great new year. We invited friends over for a game night and ordered pizza. We ended staying up until about 2am and then slept in really late :)

Joshua's room is almost complete! We just have a few things to put up on the wall and still need to find a rocking chair. I will put up pictures hopefully today or tomorrow of his cute room. I have been also working on his baby books.

So that is our life right now. Ryan is making good progress on his class prep and proposals and I am working on finishing all those little things I have been putting off or haven't had time to do.

I would be surprised if Joshua comes this early, but we are going to have a friend from here send out an email and will be in touch when our little boy comes!

I hope you are all doing well!
