Hi everyone,
Things here continue to go well. Each time we see someone, there are fun new gifts for the baby which is so much fun to know how loved Little Krauss is already. We feel so blessed to know how everyone is supporting us and encouraging us.
Next week Wednesday, July 11, we get to hear LK's heart beat! We will also be meeting our new doctor. After some prayer, and discussions with other people we decided to switch doctors. Nothing went really wrong with the place I was going, but the reputation and personal experiences from some of the girl's in my group were enough to want us to rethink our choice. I went to the woman's center in October because it was close to home and in our highest insurance coverage. We both feel really good about the change. My new doctor is known to be very compassionate and personal. We feel that with my medical history that is important.
So far things continue to go well. I have a touch of the flu right now, nothing major. Overall, our pregnancy is going very well. Some achy, pulling type pains as LK grows but nothing that is more than a little uncomfortable. I seem to have been very fortunate to not have had to experience much morning sickness. I can tell I'm pregnant because my clothes are a bit tighter but most people probably couldn't tell at this point.
As far as headache stuff goes, there has been no change. I'm trying to make sure to rest as much as I need to.
Ryan finishes his summer class next week! He'll have some time off from class prep, but will be busy working on research stuff.
I've been reading some parenting books but was wondering if any of you had any suggestions?
I hope you are all doing well. We'll try to post some pictures soon :)