My sweet boys playing together... what a good papa.

our precious boy

one of Joshua's six month pictures

sleeping sweetie


Joshua's experience with "hoppy" - his first pet frog :)

Joshua is not crawling yet, anytime we put him on his tummy he rolls to his back!

Us on a date, thanks Grammy for watching our boy, we had a great time!

Our happy baby!

Look at those cute little piggies!
We are doing well! We are excited that fall is coming and that means beautiful colors, comfy sweaters, warm chilis and soups and football! It's one of my favorite times of the year and I am looking forward to experiencing it all with Joshua Ryan.
He is doing good. He seems to be a late bloomer just like I was when I was a baby. The doctors don't seem to be concerned that he's not crawling or sitting on his own completely yet so we aren't either we are just enjoying his cute little self and giving him lots of opportunities to use his little muscles so that they can develop. He has also grown up to be a big boy, wearing 12 month clothes already at 71/2 months and loves to talk and squeal - sometimes VERY LOUDLY! We both adore his cute little self and are so thankful for him.
Ryan's year is going well. He feels like he's gotten on top of his teaching load even with being given a class without much notice. He has attracted more graduate students this year and is excited to have his first graduate research meeting with them a week from Monday. - A direct quote from him :)
I'm doing well. I hit a rough season with my headaches so that was a little discouraging but we are still hopeful. I am taking a break from leading my girls group until after Christmas so I am really hoping to finish up projects in the house :) I think I am always saying that though :)
I hope you all are doing well. Give us an update if you get a chance we love hearing from you!
love to each of you!