I decided to start this blog so that people could stay updated with how things are going in this new season of life...
Last Thursday I woke up and was a day late and decided to take a test. I was going to wait until that Friday morning but was too anxious so I got up and took the test. Ryan had not slept well and was still sleeping. I decided that if I was pregnant I would surprise him. I took the test (the kind with the 2 pink lines) and the results showed a very faint second pink line. Not knowing what that meant for sure I decided to wake up Ryan and ask him. After both of us sat there staring at the pee stick for awhile we decided I needed to take another test. We prayed that if I was pregnant the next test would show us quickly.
I got dressed and went to the store and decided to buy one of those digital tests that says the word pregnant or not pregnant. By the time I had come back from the store Ryan had already taken a picture of the old test and was ready to document the taking of the new test.

We called Grandmas and Grandpas, siblings, etc. Ryan took me to lunch to celebrate and then we went to buy a cute little pooh bear outfit that we have always loved to buy for other people. I never took it out of the package before, but this time I did. It's a wonderful feeling. It's now in a growing pile of cute things to organize in Little Krauss' room.
My first OB appt. is on June 6. We are definitely going to find out when we can if it is a boy or girl. We are quite motivated now to work on our house and have a work day planned on Saturday :) We have a daily pregnancy calendar on the fridge, a basket of bibs, and are talking about nursery ideas!!! We are excited!
As far as other things go... Ryan is teaching this summer, just one class. We love our church. My headaches have not changed except that I have more energy from no meds. We are so thankful for our lives here. It has been an amazing start. Of course not all days are great, but all days we have felt blessed to be here.
Missy, Ryan and Little Krauss
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