Saturday, August 4, 2007

16 weeks!

I am 16 weeks pregnant today!

According to the books LK is 4.3-4.6 inches and is a little bigger than a soft ball. He or she seems to be doing well and we have our next OB appt. next Wednesday. This week many women begin to feel the baby for the first time! I have had so many rumblings and noises down there that I probably won't have any idea for awhile which is which :)

Other than that there is not much news with LK :)

Unfortunately, my head has been pretty bad lately. We had some really good days there for awhile, but then it started to get worse again (more of the normal pattern of good mornings and then increased pain in the afternoons and evenings), but since this past Wednesday I have had severe pain that has kept me on the couch or in bed. Once again the hardest part is just not getting upset and being thankful for the good days. I have to continually remind myself not to be anxious about bad days in the future when LK is here. So, I've been reading and enjoying some new cookbooks, watching Everybody loves Raymond, and watching movies in the dark with a steady stream of cold paks on my head. I would appreciate your prayers, for God to heal my head, but especially for God to protect LK. Even now it hurts my heart to think that LK would suffer from any of this now or later in life if it is passed on. We are just trusting God that He knows and will provide.

But let's end on a happy note... Ryan and I are doing well. We have really enjoyed this summer of a more relaxed pace of life, but also have lots of fun things coming this fall like my brother's wedding, baby showers, a trip to Seattle, and soon finding out if LK is a boy or girl. Also, I do intend to post some more pictures, so you can see me pregnant. I'll plan to do that soon, but would prefer not to have them taken with my cold pak :)



Ryan said...

You're a cutie. I appreciate your heart in all of this and am praying for you and LK everyday. Bad head days are hard. But your response to them is awesome. I love you and am soooo glad you are the mother of my child.

stephanie said...

Ryan needs to come give Larry lessons!! :) Shhh... dont tell Larry I said that!! :)