Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Happy Thanksgiving

We are home from Seattle and MI and really enjoyed our trips. Next time we venture anywhere there will be three of us! I imagine it will be much different :)

Seattle was great. We were able to visit the ocean shore, Mt. Rainier, had fun downtown shopping and sightseeing, and enjoyed some great restaurants. We were able to see Michael, Ryan's brother who is stationed in the army near Seattle. Ryan really enjoyed Mt. Rainier, but being in my third trimester and clumsy even when I'm not pregnant, I decided not to venture onto the snowy trails and instead enjoyed the view with some hot cocoa and a book. The ocean shore was beautiful. It was supposed to rain but we took the risk and it was a beautiful day! Ryan's conference went well. He had very long days so it did not always feel very vacation-like during those days, but we had a good time regardless. It will be a learning experience the first time we take our little boy :)

In MI we were able to see most of our family and friends, ate a lot of yummy food and were spoiled with gifts for Joshua and myself at a baby shower.

Joshua is good. He is growing and moving. It is on my list to get some updated pictures of all of us and his nursery posted.

This week should be a relatively slow week to catch up on laundry, cleaning, etc. I'm hoping to work on organizing Joshua's stuff and doing some massive laundry of ours and his! I'm also definitely in the Christmas mood because my entire family is coming for Christmas next weekend. So I am hoping to get the tree up this week and get decorating. We also have our last baby shower this Saturday with our friends here. So fun!

It's always good to get away for awhile but then it is also so great to come home again.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! and enjoy all the fun christmas stuff coming up! More hot cocoa, scarves and mittens, christmas trees, twinkling lights, christmas music, and christmas baking!

And then after all the festivities... our best gift will be on his way!!!


1 comment:

stephanie said...

cant wait! we will leave a week from tomorrow night!! :)